Tashi is going to blog this year. Here you will find my Pluto in Aquarius 20 Jan 2024 ` blog

Check Your Chart, for the Week of 27 February 2023 – Duplicate – [#18790]

Astrology of Pluto in Aquarius

Check Your Chart, for the Weeks of 13 May and 20 May, 2024 What a Giant Gimme! A Solar Maximum, the biggest of the Giant Planets aligns with the only Giant tipped over, the Sun releases a flurry of X-ray flares from a Sunspot big enough to see with the naked eye, the Earth gets […]

Pluto enters Aquarius Jan 20,2024

Astrology of Pluto in Aquarius

THE AGE OF AQUARIUS SUPPORTS EQUALITY CONSCIOUSNESS Kali, a deity in the Vedic Pantheon, is often associated with the archetype of Pluto. In this context, Pluto is regarded as a feminine symbol. Our contemporary comprehension of Pluto began when it was discovered in 1930 by Percival Lowell. Advancements in computer technology have significantly enhanced our […]