Astrology of Pluto in Aquarius

Check Your Chart, for the Weeks of 13 May and 20 May, 2024

What a Giant Gimme! A Solar Maximum, the biggest of the Giant Planets aligns with the only Giant tipped over, the Sun releases a flurry of X-ray flares from a Sunspot big enough to see with the naked eye, the Earth gets in the way, and it’s the most magnificent display of the Northern Lights in decades.

Jupiter aligned with Uranus on 20 April, kicking up a Giant Mess needing a Giant Change, or many of them, for many of us. The Sun aligns with Uranus today, Monday the 13th, and with Jupiter on Saturday the 18th. Uranus formed a Giant Planet Complex with Saturn / Neptune on the 1st of April, the release of a host of “nastys”, and this is its Reveal (Uranus) and its “overcoming” (alignment, “consumption”, by the Sun).

What a Fine Mess we’ve gotten into and this is the start of, the core of, the Many (Jupiter) Changes (Uranus) needed to take care of and clean them up. The Reveal by Uranus is starting to show where some of those messes came from. You Just Don’t Know Until You Can Know. For example, Uranus is an Organiser, often of people, so he gets groups together, and maybe with Jupiter, lots of them.

Around April Fool’s Day, the International Campus Protests were getting started. So simultaneous, they were obviously organised. But, by whom and for what? Last November, something seemed to be missing from the news, as the Sun opposed (openly expressed) the core of the triple Jupiter – Neptune aspects, the main Giant Planets in aspect last year. We finally find out that is when the Campus Protests were getting organised, but were kept hidden (Neptune), most likely due to an International Propaganda War, with Dictators and Wannabes backing it up.

So, why do all the Campus Protests seem anti-Semitic without being overtly so, and why do all the MAGA Talking Points sound like Putin Propaganda? Yeah, there are a lot of messes to clean up. It’s only May and 100s of wildfires emblaze Canada’s Northwest, forcing 1000’s to evacuate. Climate Change is now causing floods deeply on both sides of the Equator. At least Michael Cohen will likely give as good as he gets in the criminal trial of the Orange Menace.

This week: A time when we can finally learn to relax again? The Sun aligning with Uranus (Mon) and Jupiter (Sat) will help a lot. Sure, the mess the Giants made is nasty, difficult and complex but the weekend’s call to Action (by Mars) through Reality (by Mercury) will be a good start.

Nota Bene: As the 2nd wave of the Geomagnetic Storm was ramping up Saturday, 2 people with Smart Phones had them momentarily go blank at the same time. Electric Jam. It drained the energies of more than phones. Expect a extra spell of clumsy befuddlements.

All Planetary Aspect energies build up several hours before (for the swift) to a few days before (for the slow), as they approach. The Moon triggers within 2 hours.

Like Astrology, CYC is complicated, cannot be explained in a page or two. Exceptions, depending on context, can apply. Contact me for Your Natal Horoscope and a reading.As the 2nd wave of the Geomagnetic Storm was ramping up Saturday, 2 people with Smart Phones had them momentarily go blank at the same time. Electric Jam. It drained the energies of more than phones. Expect a extra spell of clumsy befuddlements.

All Planetary Aspect energies build up several hours before (for the swift) to a few days before (for the slow), as they approach. The Moon triggers within 2 hours.

Like Astrology, CYC is complicated, cannot be explained in a page or two. Exceptions, depending on context, can apply. Contact me for Your Natal Horoscope and a reading.

Monday Tuesday, 13-14 May. (Moon too ‘thin’ in Cancer, fixing and cleaning in Leo. The Sun aligns with Uranus in Taurus, soft aspecting Saturn/Neptune. 23 Fixed, 8 Cardinal) Uranus also aspects Mercury/Saturn (by the Sun on the 11th) and Venus/Jupiter (by the Sun on the 8th), showing again how long impressions can last. Alignment with the Sun internalises the Nagging Upsets, meaning those who started them now have to face them. Internal Disruptions aplenty, some might get help. Wednesday, 15 May. (Moon triggering/shifting the Big Mess Reorganisation in Leo. The Sun in Taurus aspects Jupiter / Uranus. 25 Fixed, 10 Cardinal) The midpoint, the halfway mark, the core of Monstrous Changes, mostly to the Monsters. NB: Uranus also aspects Venus / Sun, sparking a shift to the pleasant, due 4 June. Friday, 17 May. (apogee Moon settling in with a pleasant crowd in Virgo. Mars in Aries aspects Jupiter in Taurus. 13 Cardinal, 28 Fixed) Here’s the trigger for a Good Start. Use it. The Out of Touch Moon says, This is Personal. (Mercury in Taurus aspects Saturn in Pisces, both aspecting Venus / Mars. 2-3 Fixed, 17-18 Mutable) And, the Venus/Mars also says this gets Personal. A Personal Lesson. Please listen, don’t block. Saturday, 18 May. (Moon wanting to stay oblivious in Virgo. Venus aligns with Uranus in Taurus aspecting Saturn / Neptune. 23 Fixed, 8 Cardinal) What, the Diva Act again? Very impressive, if not outrageous, but to a shrinking audience. (the Sun aligns with Jupiter in Taurus. 28 Fixed, 13 Cardinal) If this hits any of the Four Personal Points in Your Horoscope (Asc, MC, Moon, Sun), “Ah, what a relief!” Relax (for a change?) and let it happen. Sunday, 19 May. (Moon with a Jump Start in Libra. The Sun in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (aspecting Mercury / Uranus. 29 degrees and 14 degrees of All Signs) Too easy to avoid (yup, we’re tired, too), but there’s One More Thing you have to Notice before it becomes another Nasty, Nagging problem. Next week: Most of the Big Stuff is now in play, this can Fine Tune it. But, you can’t if you don’t give it a Go, especially midweek. Then the Pleasantries can develop, instead of get ignored, bored and/or gored by malicious neglect under this Full Moon, Thursday. Saturday nitpicks, or snubs, if anything. Sunday should release the tension. Tuesday – Wednesday, 21-22 May. (Moon ignoring (Tues), forced to wake (Wed) in Scorpio. The Sun in Gemini hard aspects Mars in Aries. Mercury in Taurus aspects both. 1 Mutable, 16 Cardinal, 9 Fixed, 24 Mutable) Fight the Facts all you want, they have a way of constantly resurfacing. Pay Attention. Wednesday, 23 May. (Full Moon playing “what if” or Make Believe in Scorpio. Venus aligns with Jupiter in Taurus, both sextile Neptune in Pisces and hard aspecting Mercury / Saturn. 29 degrees and 14 degrees of All Signs) Oh, these degrees again, won’t this Nagging Problem ever go away? Only when someone gets out the broom, or shovel, and starts cleaning up Such a Mess! It’s been around for a Long Time, and starting to ‘smell’, so over-ripe. Be on the Starting side, not the Drowning In It side. (the Sun in Gemini soft aspects Mars / Saturn. 2-3 Mutable, 17-18 Cardinal) OK, just asking, not forcing, you see, but if you don’t mind, could you get up and out and actually do something? Yeah, tough. Saturday, 25 May. (Moon teary-eyed in Sagittarius. Mercury in Taurus semisquare Neptune in Pisces, both aspecting the Galactic Centre. 14 Fixed, 29 Mutable) Aw, how sad, lost, and/or disappointed. But, is this real or just for show? A Public Projection.

Sunday, 26 May. (Moon more serious, concerned in Capricorn. The Sun in Gemini hard aspects Saturn / Uranus. 6 Mutable, 21 Cardinal) A bit of Stress and Tension, easily cleared, partly by just showing up. Show some respect, not like yesterday.

Your Four Personal Points are, in order of importance:

The Ascendant, the Midheaven, the Moon, and the Sun.  These are the most important points of your Horoscope, calculated from your birth date, your birth place, and the time of day you drew your first breath.

The first two Personal Points, the Ascendant and Mid-heaven, are the points that fix the Earth in space for your birth time at your specific birthplace.  We live on the Earth, not the Sun or the Moon.

The Ascendant also called Your Rising Sign, is more critical than your Sun Sign.

Simply, and generally, only, forecasts that affect your:

Ascendant relate to matters in your environment.            Use it to see what’s in front of you.

Mid-heaven relate to matters in your personal life.            Use it to see what’s in your mind.

Moon relate to matters in your emotional life.          Use it to see what’s in your heart.

Sun relate to matters in your physical life.             Use it to see what’s in your core.

The Signs of the Zodiac are:

Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

Heaven, Help Us!  The forecast is the mood of the moment.
When it rains, we all get wet, no matter what “Sign” we are.
If you like this forecast, let others know.  SEND IT TO THEM.
If you have comments or questions, LET ME KNOW.
Check Your Four Personal Points every week to see if any of them is targeted, and…

Your Horoscope is the picture of the Heavens for the moment you were born.  Using the latest advances in Astronomy and Astrology, get a Horoscope reading with accurate, up-to-date detail.

Contact me for Your Natal Horoscope and a reading at [email protected].

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